What are the follow-up costs of an offshore company?


Follow-up costs, also known as annual renewal fees or renewal costs

What are the follow-up costs of an offshore company?

The follow-up costs of an offshore company (IBC)


  • Die Folgekosten inkl. aller entstehenden Gebühren ab dem 2. Jahr betragen:
    € 1.999,00

Detailed description

The follow-up costs for the offshore company, the subsequent years for the further operation of an offshore company, are often not exactly or not at all shown or described on the Internet. This can have several serious as well as unserious reasons.

We have therefore given a lot of thought to how to show and calculate the effort and the associated costs as fairly, seriously and transparently as possible.
Theoretisch sollten daher die Folgekosten die selben sein wie im Gründungsjahr, somit ebenso für die Folgejahre. Der Aufwand der Erneuerung ist in etwa der Selbe wie bei der Gründung, somit müssen wir auch hier verschiedene Dokumente wieder aufbereiten, den Klienten nach seinem aktuellen Wohnort erfragen (proof of address), eine aktuelle Verbrauchsabrechnung von ihm anfordern und einen Nachweis erbringen, das sich seine Geschäftstätigkeit nicht verändert hat.

Likewise, one must apply to the Registrar, here in the Seychelles, for renewal so that they too are aware that the offshore company will continue to be active for the next 12 months.

In addition, we will provide an address for a further 12 months, take over the mail service which consists of screening incoming mail, scanning it and informing the client of its contents.

In summary, one pays subsequent costs in the following years for this service incl. fees

  • Effort to prepare the documents for the extension of the offshore company
  • Communication with the client, request for various documents
  • Preparation of all documents received from the client and ours created
  • Application for renewal to the registry
  • Payment of all fees incurred by the renewal at the registration office
  • To provide a local address for the next 12 months
  • Mail service, such as receiving, screening, scanning and transmitting to clients for incoming letters.

The follow-up costs for the operation of a Seychelles Offshore Company are often not transparent on the Internet. Costs from the 2nd year of an offshore company in the Seychelles, i.e. the costs that arise after the year of incorporation, are transparent with us, as shown below.

However, the effort is often very different from offshore company to offshore company and client to client. We cannot see this expense at the time of foundation and therefore look at the first 12 months of each individual client to calculate the follow-up costs. However, this does not sound transparent and arbitrary.

Our cost calculations for subsequent years as follows are dependent on these factors

  • How many letters do we receive within the 12 months, which then have to be processed?
  • What additional requests by email, phone or Skype come from the client that cannot be charged with other services?

Daher, die zur Grunde liegenden und theoretischen Folgekosten für die Folgejahre sind wie bei der Gründung.

Bedeutet, die Folgekosten inkl. aller entstehenden Gebühren ab dem 2. Jahr betragen:

€ 1.999,00

Do you still have questions about the follow-up costs of an offshore company or is something still unclear? Please contact us Contact on.

You can find more and further information in our Lexicon/Glossary or in the IBC Act.

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