DHL Express Courier

Shipping with DHL Express Courier - Worldwide

We send all original documents of offshore incorporation by DHL Express courier

DHL Express Courier

A DHL Express courier will personally hand you the original documents that we issue for you at the registry or for which we have a Apostille by the Supreme Court of the Seychelles directly into your hands. Confidentiality and professional service is very, very important to us.

Of course you can also authorize a third person and give us any address worldwide where you want us to send your Seychelles documents.

The duration of the dispatch amounts to approx. 3-7 days. You will of course receive a shipment tracking by an eMail sent to you.

Should you instead of DHL, FedEx (Federal Express Courier), we can also fulfill this wish for you after consultation.
Please contact us briefly for this purpose.

Quick Tip:

The DHL Express courier service is already included free of charge when ordering the Seychelles offshore IBC and does not need to be booked separately.


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