nominee director
The primary and most obvious function of a nominee director is to identify the actual owner of the Seychelles offshore company from any publicly visible relationship with the company. This can be achieved at different levels, depending on the wishes and circumstances of the customer.
At the most basic level, the appointed outside director does not actively participate in the regular affairs of the IBC - he or she simply fills the position. This is best described by the term nominee director describe. In this case, the client (the owner of the company) actively and personally takes over the day-to-day operations of the company. The day-to-day business may be appointed by special resolution or by proxy as the "agent" or "representative" of the client's own company. Under this procedure, the client signs all business correspondence, contractual documents, invoices and company accounts with his own signature as if he were the director. In such a case, the participation of the nominee director would remain formal, for which none "responsibility fee" would be charged.
In certain business situations, such a procedure may be acceptable, although active management by the client severely limits its confidentiality. However, this may also result in matters relating to the management and control of the company being delegated to the agent (i.e. the owner) rather than the director, with adverse, personal and tax consequences for him. Therefore, greater involvement of the nominee director, if any, would be necessary and beneficial.
Generally, the Nominee Director signs contracts and other legal business documents, exclusively and only these as requested by the beneficial owner.
The Nominee Director has otherwise none authorizations or powers, he can and will not become active themselves, can none Contracts or other business documents, sign, none Conduct business or initiate or expand new business without the written permission of the beneficial owner.
This is done with a so called POA (Power of Attorney)The Nominee Director and the beneficial owner agree on and record in writing a power of attorney, which is prepared by us free of charge and serves as security for the beneficial owner.
Chestercet -
This very valuable opinion
Albertbaf -
It agree, very useful peace
Ralphmix -
Perfekt für mich
Edwin Wis -
Exactly what I needed and it works. I can just recommend everyone to add this with your IBC. You will sleep better.